Eternity Within
Deep rivers of life, how little we know,So much to learn so far to go,All knowledge is ours, locked inside,This thing called "life" is the longest ride.
Long before earth formed from the chaos of God,You were created, in His image and trod,Your way in other spheres in other planes,In your hands you had the power, you held the reigns.
All knowledge was yours until you diverged from Him,Your free-will your own you fell to sin,Spiralling down from the highest sphere,You lost your way and now your here.
To earth you were born after uncountable lives,To reach again, for the stars, so many tries,My body to the earth, my soul to the sky,"You do not die you journey on," is not a lie.
Take your life in perspective, this earth very small,Lost so it seems in God's great hall,His wonders so great we just can't comprehend,When we reach Antares shore its not the end.
A poem to tell people that life is not just this short earth life, there was much before and much more in the future beyond what most call "death."